Operational Efficiency

The art of balancing investment decisions with the intrinsic value of their real estate assets is crucial. To ensure the profitability and logevity of real estate investments, optimizing operational processes is vital. This involves fine-tuning building systems to operate at their peak efficiency and ensuring maximum uptime. An optimized operational strategy not only minimizes downtime but also contributes to the overall valuation of the property.Read our latest articles and news from ProptechOS about operational efficiency.

The Utilize Index

What is the utilization of my portfolio right now? Is a tenant in need of a bigger space, or already thinking of moving to a smaller one? How is this particular building used on Tuesday mornings compared to Fridays? Are we at the new post-pandemic normal yet? Presence and [...]

By |2024-08-19T16:27:52+02:002021-09-15|Operational Efficiency|
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