Property managers and owners must adapt to stay competitive as technology continues to reshape how we live, work, and interact with our built environment. One of the most significant trends transforming the industry is the shift towards cloud-based integrations in building management.

The shift towards cloud computing in building management

The trend towards cloud-based building management systems in the commercial real estate sector has been gaining serious momentum in recent years. According to a report by Fortune Business Insights, the global smart building market, which heavily relies on cloud integration, is expected to reach an impressive $117.42 billion by the end of 2024. From there, Fortune Business Insights predicts a 21.8% CAGR until 2032 with a final market valuation of just over $568 billion. These numbers speak for themselves – cloud computing is the future of building management.

What is it?

But what exactly is cloud computing in building management? Put simply, it involves using remote servers and data centers to store, process, and manage all your building-related data. By centralizing your information in the cloud, you can access and control your building systems from anywhere with an internet connection. This level of flexibility and accessibility is a game-changer for real estate professionals looking to optimize their operations.

Data centralization: The core of cloud integration

By consolidating your building-related data into a single, cloud-based repository, you gain a comprehensive view of your assets and can make informed decisions based on real-time insights. This centralized data can include everything from energy consumption and occupancy levels to maintenance records and more.

Real-time monitoring: Access and control from anywhere

One of the most significant advantages of cloud-based integrations in building management is the ability to monitor your properties in real-time, anywhere in the world. With cloud technology, you can access and control your building systems remotely, giving you unparalleled flexibility and responsiveness. It’s a key component in the future of facilities management.

Real-time monitoring lets you keep a pulse on your buildings’ performance, even when you’re not physically present. Whether you’re tracking energy consumption, occupancy levels, or equipment status, cloud-based integrations provide you with instant access to critical data. This level of visibility empowers you to make informed decisions quickly, optimizing your operations and enhancing the overall performance of your portfolio.

Scalability and flexibility: Adapting to your building portfolio

With cloud-based systems, you’re not tied down by the limitations of on-premise hardware or software. Instead, you can leverage the virtually unlimited resources of the cloud to accommodate your changing needs. Whether managing a single building or a vast portfolio spanning multiple geographies, cloud integrations provide the flexibility to scale your operations without compromising performance or efficiency.

This scalability is particularly valuable in today’s fast-paced real estate market, where agility and adaptability are essential for success.

Open-source: RealEstateCore

Currently, the CRE sector is rife with disparate solutions that require data in different formats. RealEstateCore offers an open-source standard for real estate data to solve this issue. This allows disparate solutions to still communicate with each other. On top of communication, platforms like ProptechOS can use the RealEstateCore standard to translate data from the source sensor to various Proptech solutions.

Get started today with ProptechOS

If you’re ready to take your building management to the next level with cloud-based integrations, You can get started today using ProptechOS. As a comprehensive, user-friendly platform designed specifically for the real estate industry. ProptechOS offers a range of features that can help you optimize your operations and future-proof your portfolio.

Some of the key features of ProptechOS include:

  • Real-time monitoring and control: Access your building systems from anywhere, anytime, and make informed decisions based on up-to-the-minute data.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Easily add or remove properties, devices, and users as your portfolio evolves without disrupting your operations.
  • Open-source compatibility: ProptechOS is built on open-source standards like RealEstateCore, ensuring interoperability and future-proofing your integrations.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting: Gain valuable insights into your building performance, energy consumption, and more, with powerful analytics and reporting tools powered by digital twin technology.
  • Secure and reliable: ProptechOS prioritizes data security and privacy, ensuring your sensitive information is always protected.

How it works

Implementing ProptechOS in your commercial real estate setting is a straightforward process, designed to minimize disruption and maximize results. Here’s a brief overview of how it works:

  1. Assessment: The first step is to assess your current building systems, devices, and data sources. ProptechOS experts will work with you to identify integration opportunities and develop a customized plan for your specific needs.
  2. Integration: Once the assessment is complete, the ProptechOS team will begin integrating your building systems and devices into the platform. This process typically involves installing sensors, gateways, and other hardware, as well as configuring software and data connections.
  3. Testing and commissioning: After the initial integration is complete, the ProptechOS team will thoroughly test and commission the system to ensure that everything is working properly. This includes verifying data accuracy, testing control functions, and optimizing performance.
  4. Training and support: To ensure that you get the most out of your ProptechOS integration, the team will provide comprehensive training and support to your staff. This includes hands-on tutorials, user guides, and ongoing technical assistance to help you master the platform and its features.

You can start integrating ProptechOS into your workflow today for free. During your free trial, you can set up a digital twin and start seeing the power of real-time data in a unified platform.

Gain control of your property management journey

Dr. Erik Wallin

Chief Ecosystem Officer, and founder of ProptechOS and RealEstateCore is recognized as a leader in Building Operating Systems (BOS) and making the buildings of the world smarter. He holds an MSc and a Ph.D. in Media and Computer Science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Read his full bio and information here.