Advanced analytics fundamentally shift the commercial real estate (CRE) landscape by empowering early adopters with data-driven insights. This enables real estate professionals to predict the needs of their buildings and occupants with unprecedented accuracy. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the best-advanced analytics solutions, like ProptechOS, for improving CRE performance.

What do advanced analytics solutions focus on?

Advanced analytics solutions go beyond traditional number-crunching, offering powerful insights that can drive significant improvements in property performance and investment returns.

So, what exactly are these solutions zeroing in on? Here’s the breakdown:

  • Big data analysis: They process vast amounts of information from diverse sources—smart building management systems, financial records, market reports, and more. It’s like having a super-powered filing cabinet that stores information and makes sense of it all.
  • Machine learning and AI applications: Imagine algorithms that get smarter over time, learning from data patterns to make increasingly accurate decisions and recommendations. It’s like having a tireless assistant that’s always improving.
  • IoT and sensor data integration: Welcome to the era of smart buildings. These solutions tap into real-time data from sensors and devices, giving you a constant pulse on your property’s performance.
  • Visualization tools: Forget mind-numbing spreadsheets. These solutions create intuitive dashboards and reports that make complex data easy to understand and act upon.

How is the term defined?

When we talk about “advanced analytics” in CRE, we’re referring to a sophisticated data analysis approach that goes beyond basic reporting and descriptive statistics. It uses complex data processing techniques, statistical algorithms, and machine learning tools to uncover deeper insights, make accurate predictions, and generate valuable recommendations based on property-related data.

Reducing your building operating costs with analytics

Data-driven insights can help CRE professionals identify inefficiencies, predict maintenance needs, and optimize resource allocation. Here’s where analytics offers the most value in the CRE industry:

  • Energy management: By analyzing consumption patterns and identifying peak usage times, buildings can optimize HVAC systems and lighting to reduce energy waste
  • Predictive maintenance: Anticipating equipment failures before they occur with predictive maintenance software powered by advanced analytics can prevent costly emergency repairs and extend the lifespan of building systems.
  • Space utilization: Understanding how tenants use space can lead to more efficient layouts and potentially reduce the need for expansions or relocations.
  • Automated processes: Streamlining routine tasks through automation can reduce labor costs and minimize human error. This is often called workflow automation.

Driving competitive advantage to new heights

Making informed decisions based on real-time data and predictive insights allows CRE firms to optimize every aspect of their operations. This includes everything from property investments and renovations to day-to-day management strategies. Eliminating guesswork and reducing your reliance on intuition minimize wasteful spending.

Essentially, it lets CRE professionals trim operational fat with surgical precision, leading to leaner, more agile organizations that can outperform their peers across multiple fronts.

Predictive insights and their unclouded impact

With historical data and advanced algorithms, these tools offer a clearer view of what’s to come, allowing CRE professionals to act proactively rather than reactively. Here’s how predictive insights are making a tangible impact:

  • Occupancy forecasting: By analyzing historical occupancy data, market trends, and economic indicators, predictive models can forecast future occupancy rates with impressive accuracy. This allows property managers to adjust marketing efforts or amenities in advance.
  • Market trend anticipation: By analyzing vast amounts of market data, these tools can spot emerging trends before they become obvious, giving savvy investors a first-mover advantage.
  • Risk assessment: Predictive models can evaluate potential risks associated with investments, tenants, or market conditions, allowing for more informed decision-making and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Revenue optimization: By predicting periods of high and low demand, property managers can adjust pricing strategies to maximize revenue throughout the year.

Explained: How can advanced analytics be so critical in CRE

At its core, advanced analytics empowers CRE professionals to make data-driven decisions in an industry where the stakes are often measured in millions of dollars. Concrete, data-backed insights allow for more informed and confident decision-making, moving beyond gut feelings and intuition.

This capability extends to building optimization, where analytics identifies inefficiencies and optimizes processes, leading to streamlined operations, reduced costs, and improved productivity. The continuous monitoring and analysis of building systems through advanced analytics also enhances asset performance, maximizing the longevity and value of real estate investments.

Why is this more relevant to you now than ever?

The global economic uncertainty brought about by recent events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, has underscored the need for data-driven decision-making. In these volatile times, the predictive power of analytics provides CRE professionals with a crucial tool to navigate uncertain markets with greater confidence and agility.

Rises in remote work and the advent of hybrid models have dramatically changed how office spaces are utilized. This seismic shift demands a level of insight and adaptability that only advanced analytics can provide. Property managers now rely on these tools to optimize spaces for new work paradigms, balancing the needs of in-office and remote workers while maximizing space efficiency. 

Dealing with the future in commercial real estate

To stay ahead, industry professionals must not only react to current trends but also anticipate future developments. Advanced analytics plays a crucial role in this forward-looking approach, providing the tools and insights needed to navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic market. Here’s how advanced analytics sets your commercial real estate properties up for future success:

  • Adaptive spaces: Analytics helps design flexible spaces that quickly adapt to changing tenant needs and market conditions.
  • Smart building technology: Integrating IoT devices and AI-driven systems creates more efficient, responsive, and user-friendly buildings. One American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy study found analytics alone can reduce whole-building energy consumption by up to 10%.
  • Sustainability focus: Data-driven approaches are essential for meeting increasingly stringent environmental standards and tenant expectations for green spaces.
  • Health and wellness: In a post-pandemic world, analytics helps monitor and optimize building conditions to support occupant health and well-being.
  • Predictive maintenance: Advanced algorithms can forecast maintenance needs, reducing downtime and extending the life of building systems.

Predicting tenant needs: A data-driven approach

A data-driven approach to predicting tenant needs in commercial real estate grounds decisions in objective information and statistical analysis. This approach involves systematically collecting, analyzing, and interpreting vast amounts of data.

The data comes from diverse sources such as historical lease information, tenant surveys, building usage patterns, and external market data. Advanced analytics tools process this information to identify patterns, correlations, and trends that might not be apparent through casual observation.

ProptechOS: Real estate management has never been easier

ProptechOS offers a comprehensive solution that’s revolutionizing real estate management. This advanced platform integrates various aspects of property management, leveraging the power of data analytics to streamline operations and enhance decision-making.

  • Centralized data management: ProptechOS acts as a single source of truth, consolidating data from various sources into one accessible platform.
  • Real-time analytics: The system provides up-to-the-minute insights on property performance, allowing for quick, informed decision-making.
  • Predictive maintenance: By analyzing equipment performance data, ProptechOS can predict maintenance needs, reducing downtime and extending asset life.
  • Energy optimization: The platform’s advanced analytics help identify opportunities for energy savings, supporting sustainability goals and reducing operating costs.
  • Tenant engagement: ProptechOS includes features for improved tenant communication and satisfaction monitoring, enhancing the overall tenant experience.
  • Automated reporting: The system generates detailed, customizable reports, saving time and providing stakeholders with clear, actionable insights.
  • Integration capabilities: ProptechOS can integrate with existing building management systems and other software, creating a seamless technological ecosystem.

You can book a demo of ProptechOS today, and our experts will show you how it can help optimize your CRE portfolio.

Dr. Erik Wallin

Chief Ecosystem Officer, and founder of ProptechOS and RealEstateCore is recognized as a leader in Building Operating Systems (BOS) and making the buildings of the world smarter. He holds an MSc and a Ph.D. in Media and Computer Science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Read his full bio and information here.