In this release

We introduce a new endpoint in the Preview API that gives the possibility to retrieve twin parents (the superceeding “hierarchy”). Also, another connector can now be controlled via ProptechOS edge management.

New functionality

Twin hierarchy

New endpoint in Preview API that can retrieve hierarchy of a twin, where desired twin is the start point and building is the end. You can retrieve all the nodes that are part of the “main” hierarchical relationships: e.g. for a device hasSuperDevice->isMountedInBuildingComponent->locatedIn->hasSuperBuildingComponent->isPartOfBuilding.

  • GET /preview/json/twin/{id}/hierarchy

and to take an asset as an example


    “littera”: “5D134 Desk”,
    “popularName”: “5D134 Desk”,
    “id”: “6a80b1c2-a3c1-4d5a-8651-e44ec7a8c9b1”,
    “relatedTo”: [
        “type”: “locatedIn”,
        “relationTargetClass”: “Room”,
        “relationTargetId”: “3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6”
   “class”: “Desk”
    “littera”: “01-A016”,
    “popularName”: “OFFICE”,
    “id”: “3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6”,
    “relatedTo”: [
        “type”: “isPartOfBuilding”,
        “relationTargetClass”: “Building”,
        “relationTargetId”: “e74e87d6-4c2a-4088-a0c8-5fe42684c98d”
        “type”: “hasSuperBuildingComponent”,
        “relationTargetClass”: “Storey”,
        “relationTargetId”: “d9a42c78-1f6f-47a2-9baa-7a28763e6a1d”
    “class”: “Room”
    “littera”: “5632”,
    “popularName”: “Idun Office”,
    “id”: “e74e87d6-4c2a-4088-a0c8-5fe42684c98d”,
    “relatedTo”: [],
    “class”: “Building”
    “littera”: “1”,
    “popularName”: “Storey 1”,
    “id”: “d9a42c78-1f6f-47a2-9baa-7a28763e6a1d”,
    “relatedTo”: [
        “type”: “isPartOfBuilding”,
        “relationTargetClass”: “Building”,
        “relationTargetId”: “e74e87d6-4c2a-4088-a0c8-5fe42684c98d”
    “class”: “Storey”


This new connector can publish historical data from ProptechOS to Metry. Also the connector can be used to close data gaps that might appear in Metry.

Breaking changes


Fixes and minor updated

  • “servedBy” field is empty when queried from /actuator endpoint (PLAT-4316)
  • Teardown of smhi or simple sample modules should not remove deployment of parent LogicalDevice (PLAT-4319)
  • LogicalDevice can not be deleted if there are any associated with schema devices (PLAT-4320)
  • Do not take into account “historical” observation in sensor latest observations (PLAT-4329)
  • Replace “;” and “,” symbols from tags and names when publishing data to metry (PLAT-4385)