In this release

Introducing Property Owners into the ProptechOS graph.

New functionality

Property Owners

Property Owner is an axiom that represents the organization that owns Real Estates. The Property Owner is also the top hierarchical level of the access rights model of ProptechOS. All objects are descendants of one and only one Property Owner, and nothing is shared between Property Owners.

Most users and applications will not be affected by the introduction of Property Owners, since they have a default Property Owner and will not have anything to do with another one.

For partners, users or applications interacting with more than one Property Owner in the same instance of ProptechOS, they will have the possibility to authenticate to another Property Owner than their default one (see below).

All requests to the API are being performed in the scope of a Property Owner and by setting the X-Property-Owner header, the request is made under an explicit Property Owner. Otherwise the request will be made under the default property owner of the application or user making the request.


X-Property-Owner: “your-property-owner-uuid”

Users and applications can only make a request under a Property Owner that they have access to. The /propertyowner endpoint is the only one that is not affected by the X-Property-Ownerheader, and will show the Property Owners that a user or application has access to.

Operations to work with Property Owners:

  • GET /json/propertyowner
  • GET /json/propertyowner/{id}
  • GET /propertyowner
  • GET /propertyowner/{id}

Breaking changes


Fixes and minor updates

  • Added support for negative coordinates (e.g. subterranean elevation).
  • Added new device function type ‘AccessControl’
  • Security improvements.
  • Minor performance improvements.