In this release
The graph database under the hood of ProptechOS has been changed. It is a huge undertaking and improvement, but not something that will be visible for users. Some of the potential in the new graph has already been taken advantage of, but it will have more implications for future versions.
Data consistency is greatly improved by extending semantic axiom relations validations. ProptechOS validates the relations to other axioms (nodes), when creating or updating an object. Additionally, changes will now always take immediate effect, where previously sometimes it took time for them to propagate throughout ProptechOS.
New functionality
Added filters:
- BuildingComponent/Room/Storey
GET /buildingcomponent/
GET /json/buildingcomponent/
GET /room
GET /json/room
GET /storey
GET /json/storey
filtering by:- super device components (‘super_buildingcomponent_ids’)
- Device/Sensor/Actuator
GET /device/
GET /json/device/
GET /sensor
GET /json/sensor
GET /actuator
GET /json/actuator
filtering by:- super devices (‘super_device_ids’)
- measurement units (‘measurement_units’)
- ActuationInterface
GET /json/actuationinterface
GET /actuationinterface
filtering by:- littera (‘littera’)
- key value data types (‘key_value_data_types’)
- value restriction types (‘value_restriction_types’)
Validation of Aliases
- Now an alias must be unique per axiom class, but two axioms of different classes may have the same alias.
(e.g. Two rooms may not have the same alias, but a Device and a Room can have the same alias.)
Breaking changes
There are some changes in axioms schemas to follow RealEstateCore:
- Device
GET /device
GET /json/device
GET /device/{id}
GET /json/device/{id}
PUT /json/device/
POST /json/device/- ‘isServedByDevice’ property was renamed to ‘servedBy’
- Room/VirtualBuildingComponent
GET /json/buildingcomponent
GET /buildingcomponent/{id}
GET /json/buildingcomponent/{id}
PUT /buildingcomponent/
PUT /json/buildingcomponent/
POST /json/buildingcomponent/
GET /json/room
GET /room/{id}
GET /json/room/{id}
PUT /room/
PUT /json/room/
POST /json/room/- the property ‘isPartOfStorey’ has been removed
(‘hasSuperBuildingComponent’ property should be used instead) - ‘hasSubBuildingComponent’ property cardinality has changed from single (0,1) to multiple (0,*)
- the property ‘isPartOfStorey’ has been removed
Fixes and minor updates
There are some changes for axioms filtering:
- Devices can now be filtered by multiple device classes (‘device_classes’)
- Irrelevant actuation interface filters were removed