Starting today, if the Stockholm area grid needs it, electric vehicle chargers will back off a bit, and building HVAC will go to low power mode for a while. Buildings and cars will be good citizens of the smart city.

Bloomberg reported this week that “energy prices in Europe are repeatedly breaking records” (and) “Europe’s energy crisis is about to get worse”.

Together with the energy flexibility provider Entelios, we have made it so that everything that can be connected to ProptechOS can be used for electricity grid demand response. And you guessed it, anything can be connected to ProptechOS. So your imagination is the main limitation.

What will be in play today? To start with, EpSpot has cleverly made their entire network of EV charging stations able to gently lower their power usage on demand. Vasakronan, the ambitious property owner behind the project, has set up their Sergelhusen buildings (80 000m2) to temporarily lower heating, cooling and ventilation via ProptechOS. Chargers and HVAC has been set up as Entelios flexibility assets on Svenska Kraftnät’s sthlmflex market – which opens today (December 1, 2021).

We have provided the coordinating platform in ProptechOS, where all data is transformed to RealEstateCore and all four systems come together. We have also built a ML module that forecasts the future power consumption and the possible reduction. None of the integrations are single purpose. The next idea will be easier to realize since the devices are already connected to ProptechOS. With telemetry data accumulating in ProptechOS, analyses will be enabled and forecasts will become even better. The Sergelhusen HVAC data is already used for five other apps on ProptechOS.

Join the supply side of the grid.
Join the supply side of solutions.

Do you want to know more or do something similar? Talk to Jan Olin at EpSpot or Christian Bengtsson at Entelios. Talk to Oskar Häger or Ulf Näslund at Vasakronan for inspiration on property owner tech initiatives.

And you can always reach out to us at Idun, we will help your buildings become good citizens of the smart city as well.