
Read our articles from ProptechOS about digitalisation and Real Estate.

A smart building integration and data flow in less than 72 hours

I am sure we can all agree that live reports are superior. After integrating smart building devices in many buildings, we can now understand the energy consumption and what we can do to use buildings more efficiently. But to make this a reality, we need to access the live data to make timely decisions, not making yearly predictions.

By |2025-02-11T17:47:13+02:002021-07-12|Article|

Watch our webinar on the potential of ProptechOS 

Based on RealEstateCore, ProptechOS is a SaaS that real estate owners can use to optimize and manage their property operations, develop applications for tenant services, manage the digital representation of their portfolio, and manage on-site edge technology.

By |2023-11-13T11:24:05+02:002019-10-14|Article, Video|
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