
The Spheres

Seattle, United States

The Spheres

The Spheres,
Seattle, United States

Project: 58 828 sq ft

The Amazon Spheres office opened in 2018 to much fanfare over its nature-inspired design.

The office’s stunning 90-foot “living walls” and green areas incorporate 40,000 plants from 50 countries — a task that needed a full time horticulturalist to manage the growth over a period of three years.

Beneath the greenery of the office’s walls there is a water irrigation system that is able to circulate water throughout each area of the wall that requires it and reroute any remaining water to a central reservoir.

Biophilic architecture such as this allows workers and visitors to reap some of the benefits that spending time in nature brings, despite The Spheres being located among the thriving urban landscape of Seattle.

With a Gold LEED certification, it’s claimed by building materials manufacturer Holcim that The Spheres’ choice of construction materials and processes saved more than 400 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.

LEED Rating: Gold