
Googleplex and Bay View

Mountain View, California, United States

Googleplex and Bay View

Googleplex and Bay View,
Mountain View, California, United States

Size of Project:
Bay View 1,100,000 sq ft
Googleplex 2,000,000 sq ft

Photo: The Pancake of Heaven! / CC BY-SA 4.0

Google has previously claimed that 4.5 million square feet of its offices globally have been re-designed to meet LEED certification standards, and the tech giant has committed $1.8 billion towards renewable energy projects.

As far back as 2007, the company installed more than 9,000 solar panels with an energy capacity of 1.6 megawatts on the Googleplex site. In 2017, Google also announced that its entire operations ran on 100% renewable energy.

Google’s Bay View: World’s largest LEED platinum building

Situated in the northeast corner of the complex, Google’s Bay View extension campus spans 1.1 million square feet, distinguishing itself as one of the world’s largest building to achieve LEED v4 Platinum certification. This all-electric campus features North America’s most extensive geothermal pile system and is net positive in water usage, thanks to on-site recycling and stormwater management.

Other notable green features of the Googleplex include the choice of sustainable, durable building materials and a herd of goats that are routinely employed onto the site’s green areas to graze and fertilize the grounds — an approach that is just as efficient and more carbon friendly than lawn mowing.

The site’s green credentials also apply to how Google’s on-campus employees consume food. Along with a vegetable garden, many of the offerings on the cafe’s food menus make use of local organic foods. Their Café 150 also sources all of their ingredients within a 150-mile radius.

LEED Rating: Platinum v4