Abbott Laboratories

Abbott Park

Illinois, United States

Abbott Park

Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park,
Illinois, United States

Size of Project: 20,691,000 sq ft

Image/s courtesy of Abbott Laboratories

Abbott Park is the global corporate headquarters of Abbott Laboratories, and a center for research and development.

The campus incorporates energy-efficient technologies, green building practices, and eco-friendly landscaping, which have led to it being recognised with a Gold LEED certification in 2010.

Among the certification’s highlights, the headquarters is commended for its management of indoor air quality, which includes increased air ventilation, reduced particulates in air distribution, occupant-controlled lighting, and a high performance cleaning programme.

The materials and resources used to construct buildings play a considerable role when assessing the sustainable credentials of a building. In Abbott Park, the purchasing of durable goods, ongoing consumables and solid waste management were all scored favorably when assessing the site.

LEED Rating: Gold – 52