Release notes – version 3.2.3
In this release Minor fixes and improvements. New functionality - Breaking changes - Fixes and minor updated Minor fixes in actuation command processing. Minor stability improvements.
In this release Minor fixes and improvements. New functionality - Breaking changes - Fixes and minor updated Minor fixes in actuation command processing. Minor stability improvements.
In this release Object schemas for Collection and Asset were improved. Object schemas for Device, Sensor and Actuator were updated. Minor fixes and improvements. New functionality Collections Added possibility to assign aliases and littera to collections. Assets Added possibility to assign aliases to assets. Devices, Sensors, Actuators filtering Filtering [...]
In this release A new type of object, Asset, is introduced, additional previous and coming versions of RealEstateCore edge messages are supported and additional versions of edge messages are supported. New functionality Assets RealEstateCore Asset ( is something which is placed inside of a building, but is not an [...]
In this release Added support of new objects classes Collections and Zones, and new Quantity Kinds. Additionally the edge interface was updated with improved backward compatibility of edge message versions. New functionality Collections RealEstateCore Collection ( is a generic grouping of objects of the same or different classes. There [...]
In this release New functionality Added new Quantity Kinds: Breaking changes - Fixes and minor updated Minor stabilization fix for PUT operations.
In this release ProptechOS now supports all kinds of Building Components, all subclasses. New functionality Added full support of all building component classes (Balcony, Facade, Floor, Roof Inner, Roof Outer, Slab, Terrace, Wall) Introduced organization policy groups. Intention of the groups is to grant user access based on the [...]
In this release Full support for automatic device provisioning. Minor internal improvements in stability and performance. New functionality Added new endpoints for obtaining provisioned device key: GET /json/device/{id}/key GET /device/{id}/key Users can get the key of a device if they belong to an access group that I) access to [...]
In this release Bug fixing and minor changes with general improvements is the main changes introduced in this release. Additionally, the Swagger UI is upgraded. New functionality Added filter by ‘popularName’: GET /realestate/ GET /json/realestate/ GET /realestatecomponent/ GET /json/realestatecomponent/ GET /buildingcomponent/ GET /json/buildingcomponent/ GET /room GET /json/room GET /storey [...]
In this release The graph database under the hood of ProptechOS has been changed. It is a huge undertaking and improvement, but not something that will be visible for users. Some of the potential in the new graph has already been taken advantage of, but it will have more [...]
In this release A minor update with fixes and minor updates. New functionality None Breaking changes None Fixes and minor updated Edge status reader has been switched to Prometheus client. Fixed the issue that caused the return different number of actuation interfaces depending on resource group. Fixed the issue [...]