
Read our latest articles and news from ProptechOS about smart buildings. Smart buildings in real estate are highly desirable for several reasons, encompassing efficiency, sustainability, convenience, and enhanced user experiences. Smart buildings use technologies like IoT sensors and AI to optimize energy usage, significantly reducing utility costs.

Next-gen digital twin software for sustainable buildings

As the demand for smart, connected, and sustainable buildings continues to grow, digital twin technology can help property managers accommodate this new demand. It allows the creation of data-driven representations of a building. This enables data-driven decision-making that improves the overall efficiency of buildings and their assets. What is [...]

By |2024-04-09T13:59:43+02:002024-04-02|Proptech|

GRESB Reporting: An assessment of your ESG Real Estate

Sustainability reporting in commercial real estate (CRE) can be a minefield. With no universal metric for judging a business’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact, it is often a challenge to understand precisely the extent to which organizations meet their targets.  The European Union is in the process of [...]

By |2024-02-27T15:51:47+02:002024-02-27|Proptech|

Enhance tenant comfort with a smart lighting system

For commercial real estate owners and tenants alike, the adoption of smart lighting systems is a key factor in creating an adaptable space that optimizes the comfort of its occupants. These systems can intelligently respond to variables such as occupancy and natural light levels. This enhances energy efficiency while [...]

By |2024-03-12T16:22:11+02:002024-02-05|Proptech|

Effective sustainability reporting in commercial real estate (CRE)

The world’s properties account for a staggering 40% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, and building management in commercial real estate (CRE) alone is directly and indirectly responsible for 10.5% — more than aviation and agriculture.  It’s no mistake that sustainability has become such a major driver in our [...]

By |2024-04-02T18:12:57+02:002024-01-24|Proptech|
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