About Per Karlberg

Per Karlberg, a technology executive with extensive expertise in the intersection of real estate and technology, boasts an impressive academic background. He holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from The Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, specializing in Mathematical Modeling and Statistics. Additionally, he earned a Master of Science in Business and Economics from Lund University, focusing on Innovation and Strategic Management, and completed coursework at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. As the CEO of our company and with three years of experience as the Co-Founder of ProptechOS, Per Karlberg has demonstrated exceptional proficiency in the field. He possesses comprehensive knowledge of real estate technology and the challenges confronting the industry, having played a pivotal role in spearheading the development of ProptechOS. This system optimizes real estate portfolios by leveraging data mapping and IoT technology. Per Karlberg's involvement as the co-founder of RealEstateCore, an open-source domain ontology fostering control over buildings and the creation of new services, has significantly shaped his expertise in proptech and real estate technology. He has contributed to mapping existing standards to RealEstateCore, enabling its function as a bridge between prevailing standards and the identification of common denominators. A noteworthy part of his contribution is found in a paper he co-authored, entitled "The realestatecore ontology" published in the proceedings of the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019). This endeavor has been crucial in preparing buildings for interaction with Smart Cities and actualizing the potential of digital transformation and ESG breakthroughs within the real estate sector. For further information or professional inquiries, Per Karlberg can be contacted via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/perkarlberg/

Release notes – version 5.2.0

In this release The new Connector management API endpoints go out to preview, giving you full control over connector deployment, and its RealEstateCore representation (as LogicalDevice), and connector configuration. Also, in this release we implemented parsing of edge messages fully using alias ids, without the need for any ProptechOS [...]

By |2024-02-26T12:03:19+02:002023-11-09|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 5.1.0

In this release You can move devices and maintaining correct data, both of how it was before the change and after. With this functionality, a mirror device (in “Decommissioned” state) will be created and all telemetry from before the move will be associated with the decommissioned device. Also our [...]

By |2024-02-26T12:07:48+02:002023-09-27|Release Notes|

The concept of net zero energy building and green construction

Climate concerns are no longer waiting at our doorstep; they have crossed the threshold and demand immediate action. The commercial real estate industry is responding to these concerns with a push for net zero energy buildings and green construction, paving the path towards a sustainable future. What classifies as [...]

By |2024-05-02T14:54:11+02:002023-09-19|ESG Real Estate|

ESG framework: A key component on the road to sustainability

Commercial real estate (CRE) plays a significant role in today’s world economy but also leaves a significant environmental footprint. The CRE industry needs to become more sustainable with rising worries about climate change and social fairness. One key component of creating a more sustainable future for the industry is [...]

By |2024-03-12T12:32:48+02:002023-09-04|ESG Real Estate|

Release notes – version 5.0.0

In this release This release is mainly devoted to the new Application management. Agents can now manage permissions to use applications, with custom roles per application (e.g. “tenant”, “operator”, “analyst”, “admin” etc.) itself. Applications can still manage their user authentication and authorization independent of ProptechOS, but with these new [...]

By |2024-02-26T11:57:20+02:002023-07-27|Release Notes|

Commercial energy audits: What they offer & why they matter

On average, 30% of the energy used in commercial buildings goes to waste. Auditing energy usage allows your facility to identify these waste areas and reduce operating costs. A commercial energy audit offers a standardized methodology to examine every building’s energy usage. This methodology allows you to compare your [...]

By |2024-03-12T12:32:31+02:002023-06-19|ESG Real Estate|

EU’s CSRD directive and its impact on your company

Scheduled to come into effect in January 2024, the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) aims to revolutionize how sustainability reporting is conducted across Europe. For those in the commercial real estate (CRE) sector, grasping the CSRD and its implications is vital. It goes beyond traditional financial reporting by [...]

By |2024-03-07T13:12:14+02:002023-06-13|ESG Real Estate|

Release notes – version 4.5.0

In this release This release is mainly devoted to a new preview feature Application Specific Properties, an extended properties bag for each twin, that is defined by a schema and associated with an specific Application. New functionality (In the Preview API) Application Specific Schema Every agent that has access [...]

By |2024-02-26T11:55:52+02:002023-06-13|Release Notes|

Carbon accounting: Sustainable operations made easy

The commercial real estate industry has stepped up to redefine sustainability in a world of environmental challenges. Part of this transition involves the use of carbon accounting. By measuring and managing greenhouse gas emissions, carbon accounting has become a driving force for businesses determined to make a positive impact. [...]

By |2024-03-12T12:32:29+02:002023-06-02|ESG Real Estate|

BREEAM Certification: A Standard for Sustainable Buildings

BREEAM certification offers a holistic approach to sustainable building design, taking into account the economic, social, and environmental impacts of buildings throughout their lifecycle. The importance of BREEAM In-Use and the certification is growing due to the natural environment being impacted greatly by the expansion of our cities. Not to [...]

By |2024-05-02T09:24:57+02:002023-05-12|ESG Real Estate|
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